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Within our forum you will find information to help with any life situation that comes your way. We cover a broad range of topics including, but not limited to: homesteading; livestock; preparing for layoffs, natural disasters, and manmade disasters; checklists and emergency planning pages.





Preparing for the worst, while hoping for the best.


Whether trying to become more self-sufficient, getting ready for the next storm, or gearing up for another terrorist attack, preparedness has now become a priority. Good preparedness begins at the beginning...preparedness begins and ends with you. Preparedness is a mindset. There is no magic bullet, there are no shortcuts, and the only limitations are those you impose on yourself.


Realizing this is not the same world we lived in 20 years ago is step one.

Today's world is filled with layoffs, severe weather, and terrorist attacks. 20 years ago, the population was less affected by severe weather because there was less population. 20 years ago, layoffs were far and few between. 20 years ago, we read about terrorist attacks on foreign soil and not those happening in the U.S.


Understanding the limitations of government agencies is step two.

Government agencies have limited financial resources and limited personnel resources. They simply cannot be everywhere at once, and public funding cannot go on indefinitely. State, local, and federal agencies are only a short term fix.


Deciding you are in control of your safety, and the safety of your family, is step three.

Acceptance is a mature, responsible, step to gaining personal safety without unnecessary dependence. Accepting responsibility for the long term well being of yourself, and your loved ones, is the equivalent of locking your doors at night.


Formulating a plan is step four.

There are several resources available to tailor a plan for your circumstances. Some pre-made plans are rigid, while others allow specific leeway to suit your needs. Regardless of which plan you choose, choose a plan now and begin gaining physical preparedness.


Implementing your plan is step five.

Now that you have a tailored plan, begin implementing it. To avoid panic, or worse yet...burn out, take one step at a time and one prep at a time. Do not attempt to sail through your lists; it will cause a sensation of being overwhelmed. Rather, start with the tangible basics IE: shelter, water, and food.


Maintaining your plan is the last, most crucial, step.

Stored food and water do not last forever, and circumstances change without a moment's notice. It is critical to review and revise your plan often. Discuss your plan with your family, and by getting their input you will be able to ride out any event comfortably.


**A final note: As you get further along with your plan, your family and friends will begin to notice you've become somewhat of a "preparedness junkie". There is no 12-step're hooked. Find like-minded people to share in your journey, people who are willing to help and listen, people who understand you are doing what's best for you and yours.**


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